Red & Lids on Moonwalk Training
Originally uploaded by Lidwit.
It was a very damp morning that greeted us as we headed off on our next adventure - so much so that I dug out the waterproofs and smugly considered myself prepared for anything - more on that later.
This week it was a very civilised jaunt between Garden Centres near Carluke (for GCs read coffee and scones) organised by a friend who remembered her camera.... unlike me. Pffff. My memory is getting worse but I'm going to blame that on my pre-menopausal work colleagues who deserve a mention here. Mainly because they put up with me banging on about this moonwalk stuff on a daily basis.
Red and I reckon we managed about 10 miles today complete with refreshment stops and searching for Sally the lost dog who disappeared while chasing deer the day before. Our walks are never dull. We also learned that the best bellydancing teachers are apparently Egyptian men...(?)! We'll keep that in mind now that our class is disbanding thanks to a venue mix up - sigh. Just when I bought my jingly scarf.
Anyway, our walk ended on a brighter note with Red and I feeling like we achieved something - yup, we survived the climb back up the Auchenglen. Not only that - the rain had stopped... but wait... urgh!! Points to note - waterproof trousers do a marvellous job of keeping the rain out... but they do an equally good job of keeping the sweat in. Eeeuuuwwww!!!
Now you know how bike textiles feel if you but the cheap ones which are waterproof but not breathable........
Now - do we know what the weather forecast is for Saturday yet? LOL
wish I hadnt checked - 4 degrees C, windspeed 17mph and visibility poor....can't wait!!
Just keep thinking about that glorious pub lunch we promised ourselves... hmm perhaps I should check that the pub will be open - it is out of season.
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