Broadwood Loch
Originally uploaded by Lidwit.
I don't believe it. Just completed a 12k hike in the pissing rain and now the sun has come out! And the response from Red when I text to tell her this?... "Muahahahahah." Nice friend.
We established that we are both feeling a little stiff after yesterday and our backs are twinging. At the moment we can't decide if this is from the walking or the Bellydancing. The conversation then moves onto feet. Mine are fine but Red's were feeling sore last night. "May try to get to Athlete's Foot' in Gt Western Road," she texts. "I think I really need to look at new shoes." Personally I think it's an unfortunate name for a business but as Red so rightly points out it's not easily forgotten. Hehee, I wonder if the manager's a 'fungai'... ok maybe not.
So, the moral of todays lesson: If you want to succeed in the shoe business, name your company after an unpleasant fungal condition.
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