Okay, so we got as far as wandering about a bit and we've amassed some funds via the flat plastic purse piggies. The forms have been downloaded and our pens are poised. But 'Houston' we have a problem... on the strength of the holes in our heads being greater than the sum of our parts, we needed a team name.
There were many possibles, "Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum", "Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dumber", "The Double D-lites" and "The Boob Tubes"... there was also my own personal favourite... "A right pair of tits". But in the end there was no contest. It just had to be the unique and imaginatively unmatched... (tan-tara-tan-ta-tan- taaaaaaaah) ... "Red Lids".
There's life Jim... but not as we know it.
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