Tuesday, 15 May 2007

A little friendly support

Originally uploaded by lil'z.

I can't take credit for this image but I just had to blog it with a thought for the day. It's a bit on the smooshy side, I know, but I just wanted to say a big thanks to Red for being supportive - and buying chocolate - when I accidentally poisoned my car.

A Friend Is Like A Good Bra
Hard to Find
Always Lifts You Up
Never Lets You Down or Leaves You Hanging
And Is Always Close To Your Heart!!!

1-2-3 Awwwwwwwww =O)

Breast Awareness Bra Fence, Wanaka, New Zealand

1 comment:

Red said...

shucks! *blushes*
was just feeling your pain...and you were a good excuse for me to buy chocolate LOL