Beinn an t-Sidhein
Originally uploaded by Lidwit.
We added a bit of height this time just for a change.
We always opt for the flatter easier routes because we're trying to put in distance in preparation for our Moonwalk. But this time we decided to change the rules slightly. We took a slightly different route on one of our favourite walks between Callander and Strathyre and were rewarded with some spectacular views.
It was a beautiful day and the walking was very pleasant to the point that we even considered stretching it to Balquidder. In the end we walked a little further along the road but not quite as far as Balquidder . It was lunchtime and the lure of a meal and a Guinness was too much to resist. Well it's all part of the experience. I have to wonder though, how we'll cope on the Moonwalk with no pub lunch half way through. Then again, it will be night time and I won't be stopping to take photos every 5 minutes so there's a good chance we could be finished much quicker than we think... and then again...
I'm not sure what went wrong this time but by the time we were walking back towards Callander I was feeling pretty rough. Figuring low blood sugar, I scoffed a bag of Midget Gems... for medicinal purposes. Stuff your nut and granola bars, I needed energy. With the energy balance successfully restored I was hopeful of a pleasant return walk but alas it was not to be.
My muscles were aching from the climbing, which though not excessive, was obviously enough to make a difference. But worse yet my knee was beginning to give me considerable cause for concern. Six miles from Callander I was struggling with every step becoming increasingly painful until I could barely manage the snail-y speed of 1mph. Not good. Eventually as we reached Leny Falls I had to concede defeat and let Red go on ahead for the car. Meanwhile I hobbled a further mile and met her at Kilmahog where she picked me up... just one mile short of the end. Grrrrr.
I'm so disappointed in myself for not making the final mile but I really was finding it tough and though I would have done it, it would have taken me another hour to get there. As Red pointed out, the further I walked on a dodgy knee the more damage I could be doing. It's only 3 weeks to the Moonwalk, and I really don't want to be dropping out now.
I'm now seriously worried about the Moonwalk. What if I really can't do it.? We've been building up to it all these months and now it's looking like it could be a bust. I really hope not. Meanwhile I need to consider just how I use these 3 weeks. Rest, walking, strength exercises? Not being an expert I guess I have to be careful I don't make the wrong choice. After dragging Red this distance I don't think she'd appreciate me bailing at this late stage.
What to do???
Answers on a postcard please...
right doll, some serious talking to required here!
Don't do any more hills at the moment
Dont overdo it
Don't think anything other than you are going to manage it fine.
In fact, you will be the one spurring me on on the night, I am sure!
And anyhow - seeing as how I forced myself to run for a mile in that last wee bit back the the car cos I was so concerned about you, I am highly disappointed that you are already feeling fine again and I am left with achey hips!!!!!! ILMAO
PS will people think I am off my rocker if I say it was actually easier on the sore feet to run rather than walk?!
You're right, they will think you're mad. And I'll be agreeing with them. :P
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