Originally uploaded by Lidwit.
There's nothing quite like taking a break away with friends to find out how well you get on with them. I can't speak for Red but I for one didn't want this weekend to end. Before we left Ballygrant we decided to take one more short walk down to the loch. We missed walking this on our arrival because the ferry put in at Port Ellen instead of Port Askaig but we didn't want to waste a chance to at least see a small part of it.
There was just time before our lift down to Port Ellen to take a quick walk down through the village to the lochside and snap a few more pics before we had to say goodbye to Ruby - our hilarious hostess with culinary skills to rival even my Gran... and I don't say that lightly I promise you.
It was pretty sad to be going so soon. We crammed a lot into our stay but there was so much more we wanted to do. There was still the rest of the walk past Finlaggan up to Bunnahabhan and back down the coast past Caol Ila. That's definitely on for a future visit.
There was also the walk past the three lochs, Allen, Lily and Ballygrant, or up through the Lossit estate where the remains of an ancient cairn are still visible. And all that in one small corner of the island. They all have to wait for another time. And to top it all our friendly Bird of Prey came back out for another fly past, giving us one more chance to catch a picture. It couldn't have been a more perfect way to finish.
It's pretty rare to find someone that sees life in much the same way and has similar if not identical interests. Before we took off for the weekend I confess I was a little worried that we might begin to get on each others nerves spending so much time together. But for me it just wasn't the case although I daresay Red will have many tales of my resonant snoring or how I grind my teeth or something... ulp! I really had a lovely time and whatever else I do in the future I will remember this weekend as one of the best. Partly because of the amazing scenery but mostly because it was spent with a good friend.
Not a lot I can add to that really! I think we are very similar in a lot of ways and I found it amusing that we were frequently thinking something just as the other person mentioned it. I had a fabulous weekend and hope we have more in future :)
BTW - the bud photo is one of my absolute favourites!
We have an identification for our Bird of Prey. The most likely candidate is Buzzard. Thanks to Armin who commented on one of our previous posts.
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