My Moonshoes
Originally uploaded by Lidwit.
The new feet have arrived and I'm waving farewell to blisters. Yeehaw! It was beautiful afternoon so I decided to break these puppies in on a 3k circuit of Broadwood Loch. I figured Red wouldn't mind me conducting the trial in her absence and I could probably cope with up to 1.5k of pain if it all went horribly wrong. It didn't. In fact far from it. I found myself marching round the loch with ease and covered a surprisingly comfortable 18k. Sorry Red.
Delighted with the lack of discomfort, I was aiming for the half marathon (21k) and was gearing up for the final circuit when my adrenalin mist cleared for a nanosecond and it occurred to me that something was missing. My shadow.
I looked around and began to realise that it wasn't the only thing... the dog walkers were missing, the joggers were missing, the duck feeders were missing, in fact even the sun was missing... no wait, it wasn't missing, it was visiting Australia again while I was losing the feeling in the tip of my nose and my stomach was crying 'cause it thought my throat was cut. Then I remembered I have kids and they were missing their tea. Damn! Failed again as a parent. I'm really rubbish at this mum stuff and now my muscles are screaming at me again.
On the positive side, my feet feel great.
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